by Registrar

The new Higher Education Authority (HEA) Board of Directors visited the University of Barotseland on November 23, 2023 on a familiarization tour of selected Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The delegation was led by the Board Chairperson Prof. Levy Siaminwe, Deputy Board Chairperson Ms. Teza Nakaiza-Musakanya and the Acting Director General Dr. Martin Mushumba. Other Board Members and accompanying management staff were Mr. G Hamusunga, Mr. B. Musaba, Ms. N. Mwinga, Ms. T. Phiri, Ms. E. N. Hamvumba, Ms. A. Zulu, Mr. D. Musoka, Mr. Z. Chileshe, Mr. C. Imakando, Ms. F. Wamundila and Mr. Nsokolo.

The University of Barotseland team was led Vice-Chancellor Prof. Inyambo Mwanawina who was accompanied by his Deputy Vice-Chancellor Dr. G. Mubita Kwalombota and Accountant Mr. Kaywala Mulonda. UBL warmly welcomed the delegation, felt honored and privileged to host the HEA Board of Directors. The university was appreciative of the work HEA was doing, including quality assurance. Management provided a brief on the operations of UBL, which opened its doors to the public in 2013. It was a pioneer in providing Entrepreneurship and Cashew Value Chain Management degree programs in the country. UBL operations were adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 but have since returned to normal. Among the main challenges faced by the university are duplicity in the roles of HEA and Zambia Qualifications Authority, unequal playing field in the high education sector and discrimination in the award of student loans and bursaries against Zambia citizen who fail to get places at public HEIs but/or choose to pursue their studies at private HEIs. UBL hoped and HEA affirmatively responded to closely work with HEIs in mitigating the challenges, assure quality assurance to all stakeholders and effectively play its advisory role to the Government.